08 janvier 2013
Et pour 2013, je vous mets quoi ?
Que prédire pour 2013 ?
04 octobre 2011
Should marketing be more social and feminine to deliver results ? I bet it should.
30 septembre 2011
You're behind your consumer
Wondering why true engagement and Dialog Solutions matter ? Here is a good testimonial :
“When consumers hear about a product today, their first reaction is ‘Let me search online for it.’
And so they go on a journey of discovery: about a product, a service, an issue, an opportunity.
Today you are not behind your competition. You are not behind the technology. You are behind your consumer.”
Rishad Tobaccowala
Chief Strategy&Innovation Officer
28 septembre 2011
If you are investing in phones, you better start investing in social media!
27 septembre 2011
Unique Social Purpose of Brands become the next USP
The commoditification of social networks
And as you will read below, I'm not the only one.
3 kind of companies, 3 different Brand and social media strategies. Which one fits yours ?
31 juillet 2011
The Man Without A Facebook: A Thought-Provoking Spoof
12 juillet 2011
Inside P&G's Growth Factory - Video - Harvard Business Review
11 juillet 2011
Modern Community Building
A VC | 5 JUILLET 2011
In late May, Joel Spolsky, co-founder/CEO of our portfolio company Stack Exchange, wrote a great post called Modern Community ... Read more
09 juillet 2011
The Number One Least Asked Question in Social Media…Why?

The number one least asked question in social media is also the most important… Asking “why” in all aspects ... Read more
Google+ leverages Google’s strength as a communications platform
http://pulse.me/s/B5Ex I’m watching the Google+ “launch” with great interest because at its center appears to be great “friend ... Read more
Service is the New Marketing, he says. I agree but it will go further.
Service is the New Marketing
By Rod Brooks, CMO of PEMCO and President of WOMMA Awareness of word of mouth marketing and the importance that consumer driven ... Read more
The Google Plus 50
If you’re curious about Google+, the new social network platform from Google, you’re not alone. I’ve logged ... Read more
06 juin 2011
Obvious to you. Amazing to others. - by Derek Sivers
Of course if you want to leverage this source of innovation, you might need some tools.
We've got some. We can recruit early adopters and let them co-create with you.
Both parties, the public and the company, surprise each other during the process but both are equal beneficiaries of the co-created innovation. Try it, you'll like it. Patrick
02 juin 2011
Wall Street Journal: Coming Soon to a Website Near You: More Buttons - Digits
Shared using News360 for the iPad. Learn more at http://www.news360app.com
01 juin 2011
Are you really having conversations with your customers and prospects in the right environment ?
who are absolutely, positively against it (let’s call them the dinosaurs).Over the last twelve months I’ve met three kinds of customers :-those who want to be on social networks (let’s call them the Tigers),-those who would like to leverage them but are scared (let’s call them the sheep)-those
As the Dinosaurs cannot bring me any business and won’t read this blog my tendency would be to leave them aside and wish them all the best. But their resistance is telling me something.
The two others, whether scared or not are certainly dreaming of having tons of followers on Twitter, millions of likes on Facebook and a few kilos of professionals on Linkedin. The sheep just need to be reassured that those millions of people will be positvie. It would be nice but as the Dinosaurs would say : what’s in it for you ? How much are these followers and likers worth even if they’re positive.
I don’t want to be cynical. I’m a great believer in social media but besides the fad, we’ve got to be realistic, what is this worth and what does it mean for your business.
1. What does this really mean?
It means, quite simply, that you are good at engaging your audience. You’re doing the right things to attract likers, followers and group members.
Your agencies or yourself will be able to provide some metrics about your engagement potential : frequency, recency, numbers of interaction, kind of emotions expressed, virality (how many retweets do you have ?), etc…but it happens in a place that you don’t own.
It means that you’re probably doing the right thing in the wrong place.
2. What is this worth?
This very much depends on a whole range of factors and crtieria. What is you goal ? What do you want to achieve ? Do you have a t-shirt brand or not ? Likers and followers are not born equal.
As far as your brand is concerned, you’ll need more metrics than those reviewed above.
Saliency, reputation, esteem, propensity to buy are the key metrics of your brand. A flow of positive feedback on social media will boost those metrics if well managed and certainly if you activate the social media after a major mass media campaign. The most googled brands are the one most advertised in mass media.
Social Media will provide you with a free army of ambassadors.
The tigers will say that those are rather « embarassadors ». Don’t trust them. The majority of people on earth believe that german cars are better while most of them don’t own one. These are imported images amplifying reputation. Most of BMW drivers don’t watch tv commercials so why is BMW advertising on TV ? In order to create and strengthen its importend image, ist reputation amongst the masses. Social media do that even better. Your fans and followers might not buy your product but they will talk about it and in a world where people trust their peers more than anybody else, this is worth a lot. But shouldn’t that happen in a better environment ?
Is e-mailing newsletters not still a better weapon ?
It is certainly still very effective although social CRM shows more and more how effective it could be and e-mails might die with email-readers. Is the young generation still reading emails ? Not sure. So allowing your customers to stay tuned with your brand on the communication channel of their choice might become a priority. People are saturated with media. Hence you better be on the media of their choice rather than on the one of your choice. Being on Twitter or Facebook allows this. I agree with the Tigers. But can’t we improve this ?
Yes, we can. Here is something which might convince all kind of customers, Tigers , Sheep and Dinosaurs : dialogfeed.com
Let the conversation happen where ambassadors, prospects and customers are but bring those conversations back on your own website, in an environment which you own. Dialogfeed allows this while giving you the opportunity to highlight the conversations which you thing will best serve your goals.
With dialogfeed you get a weapon which will allow you to amplify the best and true testimonials about your services, products or brands. It gives you a way to raise the conversion rate of ambassadors, members of your brand community and /or buyers.
Conversion in to buyers, ambassadors or customers is vital.
It’s vital because it will give you data and generate sales. So far the data about your likers and followers is owned by the social media. They own the environment and the data. What if one of these sites fell over ? What would be left for you ? It’s going to be lost and you’ll have to rely on the goodwill you’ve been able to generate and the data you’be been able to migrate.
So, dear Dinosaurs, you might have some points but staying away from social media is commercial suicide.
Dear Tigers, don’t get satisfied by the number of likers and followers you have. Bring them in a place where you can convert them. Go and see what Betagroup is doing with our Dialogfeed : http://coworking.betagroup.be/community.htmlDear sheep, just go and watch what Touring is doing with our dialogfeed on their homepage : Touring.be
Altimeter did interview 140 Corporate socialmedia strategists in the US about their priority in 2011 and their top priority is about bringing the conversations back on their websites. Act now.
Patrick Willemarck
30 mai 2011
30 vidéos pour maitriser les médias sociaux [récap]
The Marketer’s Biggest Mistake
The Opulence Bubble
Power to the People: A New Mantra of Business
Internet des objets : retour vers le futur
Thank You, Social Media!
01 avril 2011
Google lance son bouton "like"
A suivre.-
20 février 2011
Clinton and the freedom to connect
Steve Jobs Doesn’t Want to Kill Publishers, But Apple’s Subscription Strategy Will
Welcome to the Age of Dilemma
Google, Social, and Facebook: One Ring Does Not Rule Them All
Do We Trust The Government With The Internet?
Hot Or Not: Disruptive Technologies To Watch in 2011, Part 1: The Framework
06 février 2011
Malcom Gladwell, Your Slip is Showing
Background of the Corporate Social Strategist: Educated, with a Focus on Communications and Marketing
28 janvier 2011
“Curation is the new search”… et le nouveau média
Process: A Pragmatic Approach to Social Business
15 janvier 2011
Quora, le réseau social de la connaissance
http://mashable.com/2011/01/14/get-more-out-of-quora/(Sent from Flipboard)
Article: Case Study: How Google Sells Its Free Products
Case Study: How Google Sells Its Free Products
http://mashable.com/?p=496839(Sent from Flipboard)