28 septembre 2011

If you are investing in phones, you better start investing in social media!

This is inspired by a strong statement in the Harvard Business review.
I wrote it recently on Storify, here it is:

1 commentaire:

maurice stencel a dit…

Je pense comme toi. S'adresser à tout le monde en s'adressant à chacun. Chacun se sait (?) unique. Facile à dire mais...

Welcome on Patrick Willemarck's blog

I'm the founder of Dialog Solutions.
On this blog I want to share views and opinions about business and more specifically about Brands, Consumers, Marketing, market research, innovation, loyalty, etc., all those business aspects that are deeply affected by social media.
Every company shouldn't be present on every social media network. but every company is becoming porous to the outside world and has therefore to become both social and media.
