02 juin 2011

Wall Street Journal: Coming Soon to a Website Near You: More Buttons - Digits

The hottest space for technology heavyweights these days might not be in Silicon Valley but rather in that little bar of buttons on popular websites.

This afternoon, Google Inc. started rolling out its "+1" button for sites, allowing users to recommend things to their friends and contacts. Sites that you "+1" will appear more prominently in your friends' search results, provided that your pals have +1 enabled and are signed in to their Google account. The button already is available on sites like Mashable and the Huffington Post.

And yesterday, Twitter announced a button that lets readers easily follow the site or a writer, for example. (This is in addition to the button that lets you tweet things. If you look in the right-hand column, you'll see the button in action and can follow the @wsjdigits account.) ...

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Welcome on Patrick Willemarck's blog

I'm the founder of Dialog Solutions.
On this blog I want to share views and opinions about business and more specifically about Brands, Consumers, Marketing, market research, innovation, loyalty, etc., all those business aspects that are deeply affected by social media.
Every company shouldn't be present on every social media network. but every company is becoming porous to the outside world and has therefore to become both social and media.
